Monday, March 22, 2010

Today its Spring and the World Looks Different

The days after Scott Brown won in Massachussets were the closest I've come to giving up on the Democratic Party and the ability of politics to make a difference in this country. I promised myself and others that if Obama didn't give a total effort to passing health care reform, if the democrats didn't step up and deliver when they had the votes, I would never support another Democrat. Whats the point if they are willing to give up that easily?

But they didn't give up. They decided, for once in their lives, to win. Stop being afraid, and win. Its like jumping off the diving board for the first time. Absolutely terrifying, but after you've done it you wonder what took you you so long.

So now the landscape of America is changed and everything in politics will be different. Here are some observations I've had since this weekend:

1. Nancy Pelosi has been the most under-appreciated figure in politics, but not for much longer. When you think about it, why has Hillary Clinton been a feminist icon while Nancy Pelosi has not? Pelosi deserves it more in every way. She rose to the top on her own. And now she is responsible for passing the most important legislation of her generation. As has become clear, without Pelosi's fortitude health care would have died with Scott Brown's victory.

2. A prediction: the polls will soon swing around to show support for the health care bill. Republicans can no longer lie about death panels and government take-over. People will realize what a common sense and moderate bill this was.

3. Which leads to another prediction: The craziness of the Republicans will give the Democrats plenty of ammunition for 2010, as summed up by mistermix over at Balloon Juice:
The minute Obama signs the bill, the Democrats can say that health insurance cannot be denied for a pre-existing condition, and that they had to fight every single Republican for this right. That message is simple, it hits people where they live, and it addresses a universal concern.

The commercials cutting from a kid with diabetes to John Boehner yelling “Hell No You Can’t” are probably already being made. They will be the Willie Horton ads of the 2010 election.

4. The big question going forward is this: will this win on health care give the democrats momentum to use the rest of this year to take on the rest of the big legislative issues still on their plate (finance reform, energy policy, education, immigration) or will they instead be so battle-weary that they avoid the hard issues, happy to just run on health care in 2010? My hope is the former, but my fear is the latter.

My hope is that the Democrats realize they've got a big freaking hammer in their hand, and that they decide to use. Realize that if you stand up for whats right, the American people will support you. For once in your life, decide to win!

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