Sunday, October 25, 2009

Did We Misread Him Or Did He Deceive Us?

Anna Quindlan writes in Newsweek about the true Obama:
One reason may be the president's essential character, which is at odds
with the persona that developed during the campaign. Perhaps because of his race
and his age, much of the electorate, especially those of us who are liberals,
succumbed to stereotype and assumed that he was by way of being a firebrand. A
year in, and we know that we deceived ourselves. He is methodical, thoughtful,
cerebral, a believer in consensus and process. In an incremental system, Barack
Obama is an incremental man. It is one reason he is taking his time ending the
two wars in which we remain mired, Nobel Peace Prize notwithstanding. On the one
hand, on the other.

I don't think it was so much that we succumbed to "stereotype", as that he intentionally portrayed himself as a progressive, who would promote and work for "change we can believe in."

I like "methodical" and "thoughtful", but not in support of the miserable and dysfunctional status quo. To say I am disappointed in Obama is perhaps an understatement.

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