Sunday, November 21, 2010

Liberals and the TSA Screening/Patdowns

Liberals in Washington and in the press, as on "Meet the Press":  'If you're against the current TSA screening and draconian pat-downs, then you're not serious about National Security.'  'You have to be willing to pay a price for security.'

OMG.  Way to go, liberals.  You'd think liberals--who say they value 'privacy' and personal rights--would be concerned about the privacy of one's genitals from a government employee with a badge.  But then again, aren't most liberals more concerned about their 'security' than anything else?  That, plus they will defend Obama, plus defend those poor TSA government employees.  You begin to see where their head is at. 

This is why modern liberalism is politically going down the tubes.  They don't mind someone sticking their hand up your a**, because that's where their heads are.

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