Friday, November 5, 2010

Obama is Not Eisenhower

Andrew Sullivan thinks that Obama is a black Eisenhower:
I think the key to Obama's long-term success is being Obama: the calm, restrained, sober, reasonable adult in the room, always focused on actual problems and their feasible solutions. And Chris is right: his race actually helps balance this cerebral and temperamental calm.

He's an Eisenhower in a room full of McCarthys. It may take some patience but we all know who won that game in the end.
I've got to hand it to Sullivan, he's never given up on Obama, despite many disappointments. I guess I've not been that loyal.

In any case, it's a big stretch to think that Obama resembles Eisenhower in any way. Eisenhower was the General who won WWII. That was his asset, and he didn't need much of anything else. Oh, and it also helped that the 50's were a VERY good decade economically.

All Obama has won is an election (and a Nobel Peace Prize, that was a bit of a joke and farce, and that he won for NOT being George W. Bush and for being the first African-America President).

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