Monday, May 4, 2009

The Mellow Doctrine

Roger Cohen of the NYT writes about Obama's 'Mellow Doctrine':

Amazing what happens when you cast aside the testosterone.

I know bristling Dick Cheney believes America’s enemies now perceive “a
weak president,” as do sundry Republican senators, but the truth is that foes of
the United States have been disarmed by Barack Obama’s no-drama diplomacy.

Call it the mellow doctrine. Neither idealistic nor classic
realpolitik, it involves finding strength through unconventional means:
acknowledgment of the limits of American power; frankness about U.S. failings;
careful listening; fear reduction; adroit deployment of the wide appeal of brand
Barack Hussein Obama; and jujitsu engagement.

Already the mellow doctrine has brought some remarkable shifts, even if
more time is needed to see its results.

The Castro brothers in Cuba are squabbling over the meaning of Obama’s
overtures. Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez has gone gooey-eyed over the Yanqui
president. Turkey relented on a major NATO dispute, persuaded of the importance
of Obama’s conciliatory message to Muslims.

From Damascus to Tehran, new debate rages over possible rapprochement
with Washington. In Israel, I understand Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is
about to drag his Likud party kicking and screaming to acceptance of the idea of
a two-state solution because he knows the cost of an early confrontation with

Not bad for 105 days.

It feels good, even if Pakistan looks bad.

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