Friday, December 11, 2009

A Strong Case for Global Warming Dissent

I continue to do reading and research on the Global Warming Debate.  What I am finding is surprising me greatly. 

I had generally thought that the global warming skeptics in general were either ideologically driven or on the payroll of the fossil fuel companies but were not true, disinterested scientists in the relevant fields.  I now see that I was wrong in this.  There are apparently many climate (and related fields) scientists who do dissent from the 'global warming consensus' for what they feel are good reasons.  Here I would point you to these videos to hear and see some of these scientists in person.

There is apparently not nearly the strong scientific evidence for the global warming theory that I had thought.  And there seems to be a lot of confusion about what scientific data has been included and left out of the anthropocentric global warming (AGW) theories.  The recent email scandal has highlighted the fact that the key global warming advocates, such as Michael Manning and Phil Jones may have been manipulating data to support their theory, rather than letting the data determine the theory.

There are a number of strong dissenting websites that would provide you more information and food for thought.  They are: The Resilient Earth, Watts Up With That, Climate Audit, and Climate Depot.  Also, the website of an EPA policy analyst named Alan Carlin, and the columns of a writer for the Sunday Telegraph of England, Christopher Booker.  I'm sure there are many others, which I'll share as I come across them.

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