Monday, February 23, 2009

Rotting Core of the Big Apple

As a result of the Wall Street crisis, New York City is also in deep trouble:

“We’re not looking to recreate what was here before,” Mr. Lieber said. “We’re acknowledging the changes and looking to diversify within financial services and outside financial services.”
That admission, as much as any other, highlights just how significantly the thinking about Wall Street has changed in a matter of months.

Early last year, city officials were still fretting about the rise of London’s financial industry and the competitive threat it posed to New York. Now they are worried about filling a huge hole in the city’s economy while trying to retain thousands of laid-off financiers before they scatter across the globe.

They now forecast that the financial services sector that powered the city’s prosperity will shed 65,000 jobs as a result of the financial crisis. Almost half of them will come from the highest-paying pursuits like investment banking and the sales and trading of stocks and bonds, according to an analysis the city commissioned from the Boston Consulting Group.

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