Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dissing Rand Paul

It's happening already.  The pundits on MSNBC like Ed Schultz and Chris Matthews are dissing Rand Paul, spreading the meme that he is an old-time Southern racist and lunatic, opposed to the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  (At least 'All Things' Considered' on NPR actually interviewed Rand Paul....good old NPR, they're the best.)  And they also are harping on his having had his victory party in a 'private' golf/country club. 

Oh, what an awful person he must be, to have met in a 'private' country club.  (Oh, that's right, I had lunch after church in a 'private' country club a couple of weeks ago.  What a terrible person--elitist and racist--I must be!)  Oh, I forgot, Chris Matthews never goes to a 'private' establishment, right?  Right?  Right?  No, of course not, Matthews is a man of the 'people' who only goes to union halls, bowling allys, places like that.  Riiiiiight.

Wrong.  That is not Rand Paul or his father.  Ron Paul (and I hope his son Rand) is a man of libertarian conviction and principle, who is not a racist.  TV liberals are accepting the worst possible interpretation of Paul's views, without even bothering to ask him his directly, taking the criticism of his political opponents as gospel truth.  Not very nice or fair or honest or openminded.  In fact, it's disgusting, and it's the part of modern liberalism that I HATE!

What I like about Paul is that he is anti-Establishment and for real change that we must have in this country.  I don't think I agree with everything he believes.  But someone like him has got to come along and lead us out of this mess we are in.  Obama isn't doing it, unfortunately.

I hope Rand Paul is thick-skinned, because he's in for attacks from both sides.  The Establishment does not want him to survive, because he threatens every interest there is.

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