Monday, May 3, 2010

Kunstler Vs. Blankfein

If I [James Howard Kunstler] was questioning Lloyd Blankfein in a hearing room:

JHK: Is English the principal language that Goldman Sachs conducts most of its business in?
Blankfein: I... do you...? Well, the context... I... do you have an exhibit number....
JHK: How old are you, Mr. Blankfein?
Blankfein: I, uh... do you mean counting from conception, uh...?
JHK: No, just from your last birthday.
Blankfein: I, uh, well, um... I... fifty-five.
JHK: Were you raised from childhood speaking English?
Blankfein: I, uh, let me see... you mean in the context... uh, do you... uh, have a... I... uh....
JHK: And how many years have you worked at Goldman Sachs speaking English there?
Blankfein: You want...I... well, if the context... of course we... yes.
JHK: In your time on Wall Street, have you ever heard the term 'a shitty deal?'
Blankfein: It depends on... I mean, uh, what do you mean by... we don't do deals, we quote prices.
JHK: Could you state your understanding of what that phrase, 'a shitty deal,' means?
Blankfein: I, uh... the context is... um, I don't... it depends on... I... we make markets... um.
JHK: Will the sergeant-at-arms please take Mr. Blankfein into the cloakroom and shoot him.

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