Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sestak Cleans Up

I'm as happy as a clam that Arlen Specter was defeated in the Democratic primary in Pennsylvania by Joe Sestak.  I have never liked Specter all that much anyway, and then when he switched parties because he could no longer win reelection in the Republican Party, that put me over the edge.

I think I know why Obama supported Specter--for short term political gain last year.  But I also think that Obama actually thinks and acts more like a moderate Republican, so his support for Specter was probably somewhat genuine and not forced.  Can't prove that, but that's what I think.

So Sestak's victory is a big blow to the Obama political machine in the White House, and all the TV pundits were saying so last night.  So the White House supported the sickly, old-warhorse, switched-parties, frail Specter over the young, fresh, attractive, naval admiral Joe Sestak?  How sick is that?

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