Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dragging the Auto Industry into the 21st Century

Bob Herbert makes the case in the NYT against letting the Big Three Auto Makers go under. Then he writes this balanced and wise statement about it:

This whole matter needs some intensive thought. At the moment, Washington has tremendous leverage over the failing auto industry. The government should craft a rescue plan that is both tough and very, very smart. That means dragging the industry (kicking and screaming, no doubt) into the 21st century by insisting on ironclad commitments to design and develop vehicles that make sense economically and that serve the nation’s long-term energy security requirements.

The potential collapse of the Big Three is certainly one of the most scary possibilities out there right now, given the number of American jobs that hinge on the auto industry. This in turn would drag so much else down. Yikes. I need my father around right now to help me learn how to live during a depression.

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