Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Driving on the Right Shoulder

To some of my conservative friends who are praying that Obama will move to the political center, I have said from the beginning that, if you were paying attention, he has campaigned basically from the center for years. And now he is appointing his cabinet and administration, especially his foreign and economic policy team from the center as well.

What always confuses conservatives about Obama is that he was opposed to the Iraq War. But so was Brent Scowcroft and Jim Baker of the first Bush administration, hardly liberal types. They also think that because Obama is tremendously concerned about global warming, he must be a left-winger. But plenty of thoughtful conservatives have been concerned about global warming, though granted that our American conservatives haven't been particularly thoughtful in this regard. But do they think that preserving the ozone layer against destruction by aerosols was a socialist plot? Then why should taking steps to curb the global warming that the vast majority of scientists know is a problem. Heck, any sentient non-scientist can see that the polar ice cap and glaciers all over the world are disappearing. C'mon, think!! Thaw out your ideologically frozen minds and think some new thoughts.

The truth has been that when you're driving on the right shoulder of the road (where the rumble strip gives you a massage), someone driving in the center looks like they're on the left.

The right-wing needs to get back on the road where the rest of us are.

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