Friday, November 20, 2009

Obama Unraveling

David Lindorff unloads:
President Obama is on a short leash at this point. His fans, and I was one of
those who was willing to give him a shot last November, are mostly giving up on
him. Activists are already turning on him. My union friends are disgusted. My
African-American friends just shake their heads in dismay. Liberal friends act
embarrassed. A leftist friend, retired, who devoted a month to campaigning for
Obama full time in Pennsylvania last fall now writes angry letters almost weekly
to Obama’s former campaign manager David Plouffe and others, blasting Obama’s
handling of the bank crisis and his Afghan War plans. Clearly Obama cannot
continue to appease Republicans and cater to Blue Dogs in Congress and expect to
be re-elected in 2012.

Indeed, if he doesn’t toss the crooks and
charlatans in the Fed, the Treasury and his Council of Economic Advisers out,
and doesn’t stop listening to the self-serving crazies in the military, he won’t
even have a Democratic majority in Congress by the end of next year.

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