Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nice Clothes

Sweet mama! The Republicans spent over $150,000 outfitting their Vice-President in clothing, including $75,000 in the Neiman-Marcus in Minneapolis around the time of the Convention. No wonder she looked so hot. That's a lot of clothes! What, do they have a separate plane just to carry her wardrobe?

Our alleged 'Joe-Six-Pack', small-town, real American from Alaska loves her clothes, that's for sure. Could it be she was trying to imitate the well-known clothing habits of the slightly richer Cindy McCain? Ah yes, those Republicans.

But I keep wondering. Why do so many Joe the Plumber types keep getting duped by these high-flying Republicans? Let me tell you a little secret: they're not really on your side, but they sure want you on their side, so they can keep buying those nice clothes.

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