Three things in particular continue to keep me extremely skeptical about the official explanation of 9/11: the unprecedented free-fall collapse of the Twin Towers, the later unexpected collapse of World Trade Center Building Seven which hadn't even been hit, and the total ineffectiveness of our national Air Defense System, leading to the third airliner hitting the Pentagon after about 90 minutes in flight. None of these things have been really explained or accounted for, and each one of them is mind-boggling all by itself.
Of course, there are numerous others oddities, such as President Bush continuing to read My Pet Goat at the Florida elementary school for 20 minutes or so following the hitting of the second Twin Tower by the second airliner, completely contrary to all Secret Service protocol. Or that all of the steel from the Twin Towers was immediately shipped out of the country for disposal, rather than being analyzed as to the reason they failed (something you'd think architects and engineers would be interested in knowing). Or that any number of fire fighters and police heard numerous explosions in and around the Twin Towers preceding their collapse (implosion?). Or that the very inexperienced Arab pilot of the Pentagon-targeted airliner was supposedly able to execute a very intricate and difficult maneuver so that he could hit the Pentagon in the very place where there were the fewest people and the greatest reinforcement (thus resulting in the least damage and loss-of-life). Very convenient.
Many people have doubted the 'lone-gunman' theory of the JFK assassination, due to considerable evidence disputing that conclusion. But that was nothing compared to all the weird, unexplained evidence pointing to something other than 13 Arab terrorists.
Theories, official or otherwise, must be supported by evidence. The official theory of the 9/11 attack is not supported by the evidence, in my opinion. Rather, all the evidence fits an alternative theory much better, namely, of a U.S. governmental cabal of executive branch, neo-conservative hawks, intelligence agencies, and complaint military carrying out a 'false-flag' incident, to justify the invasion of Afghanistan and, later, Iraq, in order to seize the second largest pool of oil in the world and to change the balance of power in the Middle East. If this was the motivation, one has to say they were very successful. Well, at least for a while.
Call me crazy if you want, but that is what I believe happened. And frankly, the more we find out about former Vice-President Cheney and his friends in power, the easier it becomes to believe it.
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