Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I am writing this final post on my blog, as a free and open-to-the-public blog. In 24 hours, I will be restricting it to those of my friends who are interested in reading it because they're interested in what I'm thinking and who I'm quoting. For most of us (except those few people earning a living doing it), that's what internet blogs are for.

I have been writing this blog for the last 12 months and 8 days. It has become for me several things: a personal journal of reflection and inquiry on the political and social issues of our day; a way of sharing with my friends some of my thoughts and opinions on politics and current affairs; and finally a hobby, a form of play, the equivalent of going fishing or golfing.

I never intended it to become something controversial in my church, something that detracted from my pastoral role there. That is why I never told anyone in my church about it who I thought would have a problem with it.

In restricting access to it, I am not saying that I am ashamed of this blog. In fact, I am proud of it as a record of the ongoing debate in our country about international, economic, and political affairs over the last crucial year in our country. I am proud of it as a record of some of my thoughts and reflections on that year. I value it for that reason.

But I can understand how some people might be upset by it, people to whom I have to minister and preach, people who have difficulty with their pastor having political views with which they might disagree.

Quite clearly, I do have some strong and occasionally provocative political views. As many of you do. It's simply a part of who we are. But please believe me when I say that I don't judge anyone as a parishioner based on their political views, and I would hope that people would not judge me as a pastor based on mine. In Methodist churches, we basically agree to disagree on politics, unlike some churches, where everyone agrees to agree on everything. That's why we don't talk about it in church. We're liberals, conservatives, radicals, libertarians, Republicans, Democrats, Independents, and everything inbetween.

Frankly, I don't expect, nor want, my parishioners to be reading this blog. Believe me, it's hard to find on the internet unless you know where to look. It's just my little personal hobby that has nothing to do with my role as a pastor. And I do have a life outside the church.

In the meantime, I will continue to write it, for all the reasons I gave above. But clearly, to avoid problems, I need to restrict it to those who will find it a valuable and pleasing experience, and not disturbing. So let me know if you fall into the former category. I'm at


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