Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Legacy Children

Glenn Greenwald's piece on nepotism in American politics is so interesting. It is true in every area of life, however. Many children tend to follow their parents into the same profession.

There are many pastors in my annual conference, for example, whose fathers or grandfathers were pastors (not mine, however). It doesn't mean they are of lesser quality.

It helps to remember that FDR, who so many are encouraging Obama to imitate, was of a political dynasty and a child of wealth. Perhaps it gave him the moxie to do what he did in the New Deal, because he knew all of his wealthy and powerful relatives and friends were no better or more worthy than the average steelmaker or miner or farmer.

Likewise, so many of the stalwart liberals in the Senate have been 'children of privilege and power': Ted Kennedy and Jay Rockefeller, for example. They seem immune from bribery by the lobbies, because they're already rich.

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