Monday, September 22, 2008

Bush and McCain

I'm watching John McCain on CNN at a town hall meeting. He does a really good job with the introductions, tells a joke, comes across as a funny, very affable guy. And it strikes me that he's a lot like George W. Bush and not just in party or policies.

They both tell a good joke, and have a folksy way about them. They are both legacies, in that they had famous parents who enabled them to get places they wouldn't otherwise have gotten: Bush's father was Oil Man (with grandfather as Senator), Congressman, CIA Director, Vice-President, and President, while McCain's father and grandfather were Navy Admirals. Bush went to Yale, while McCain went to the Naval Academy, where they both were very mediocre students (McCain was fifth from the bottom). They both were boozers and womanizers, rebels who defied their parents. They both have a hard time making a good speech. They both are very good at invoking patriotism as a means of gaining political support. I hear they both have a volatile temper and frequently use profanity.


As I've told a number of people, if you liked the last 8 years, vote for McCain. If not, don't.

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