A lot of ink has already been spilt (does this metaphor make any sense in the age of the Internet?) on the issue of Sarah Palin's addressing a convention of the Alaskan Constitutional Party in Wasillia, a political organization which is supposed to have been advocating the sovereign independence of Alaska from the United States. According to reports, Todd Palin, the 'first dude', is supposed to have been a 'card-carrying' member of that party.
Now some clever fellow has taken a picture of Sarah Palin from 1995 in her Wasilla City Council office (that was given by the Palins to the Associated Press) and determined that the magazine sitting on the desk in front of her is The New American. Now I know that magazine, because I read it many times in my parent's home. It is the primary magazine of the John Birch Society, an organization to which my father belonged for many years. (Please, click on the link and read more about the JBS.) And I can tell you that it is one very radical organization. It is so far to the Right on the political spectrum that the Godfather of movement conservatives, William F. Buckley himself, once condemned it, declared it 'outside the pale', and would not publish authors from the JBS in his National Review magazine. Now that is far-Right.
So we're starting to get a picture of what it is that Sarah Palin might really believe, and it is not a pretty picture. Republicans--the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan--do you know what you're doing?
Now some clever fellow has taken a picture of Sarah Palin from 1995 in her Wasilla City Council office (that was given by the Palins to the Associated Press) and determined that the magazine sitting on the desk in front of her is The New American. Now I know that magazine, because I read it many times in my parent's home. It is the primary magazine of the John Birch Society, an organization to which my father belonged for many years. (Please, click on the link and read more about the JBS.) And I can tell you that it is one very radical organization. It is so far to the Right on the political spectrum that the Godfather of movement conservatives, William F. Buckley himself, once condemned it, declared it 'outside the pale', and would not publish authors from the JBS in his National Review magazine. Now that is far-Right.
So we're starting to get a picture of what it is that Sarah Palin might really believe, and it is not a pretty picture. Republicans--the party of Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan--do you know what you're doing?
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