I'm pumped about the new plug-in electric hybrid that G.M. is working on, called the Chevy Volt. It promises to run about 40 miles on nothing but electricity and then recharge when you plug it in. Or if you're going more than 40 miles, it has a little motor that will help you to do that. Cost for the under-40 miles trip: the equivalent of about $.80 per gallon of gasoline. You heard me right. 80 cents per gallon. And the electricity will come during the night when electricity capacity is underused, thereby preventing the building of more electrical generators, thus being good for the environment. I'm psyched.
Unfortunately, it won't be out for two years or so. In which time, I'm sure, Toyota or Honda or some other foreign company will have already introduced their plug-in hybrid car, which will be better built, last longer, and require less maintenance. (Sigh)
Also disappointing? The CEO of GM was on Steven Colbert last night, and he said he didn't believe in man-made global warming. Well, I wonder what will be the quality of the scientists that he hires to make his hybrid car, if he doesn't trust the vast majority of scientists who make the case for man-made climate change. Makes me a little concerned. Science is science, not ideology.
But a plug-in electric hybrid will be my next car, if our Dodge Stratus lasts that long.
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