Friday, September 26, 2008

The Mob

Charles Krauthammer, one of the most arrogant and imperial members of the Neo-Conservative movement, really displays his haughty elitism in his Washington Post column today, when he refers to the people of the United States, speaking through their congressional representatives, as the "mob" that "is agitated but hardly blameless."

Neo-Cons profess to love Abraham Lincoln, but apparently don't agree that America has a government that is "of the people, by the people, and for the people." Truth be told, they seem to prefer the political movement toward investing nearly total power in the Presidency, which is a despicable betrayal of our basic Constitutional and republican principles.

Krauthammer, Kristol, Brooks, and their friends in the Bush Administration like Wolfowitz, Cheney, Feith, Bolton, who have done so much to take us down into this 'dark valley' these last eight years, have a lot to answer for.

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