Monday, September 15, 2008


The Palin/McCain ticket has blithely spoken recently of war with Russia over Georgia (not the one south of Tennessee). What the hell!!! Do they realize that there are, between the U.S. and Russian arsenals, something like 50,000 nuclear weapons? What are they, crazy?!!! This is crazy!!!!

If we vote for this ticket, we are crazy too.


  1. Do you recommend that we "vote for the lesser of two evils"?

  2. This must be Jerry. I can tell those eyes and that cap anywhere. Let's see: I suppose so, in the sense that every human leader will miserably fail us at some point. But on the other hand, we always have to choose between very fallible, sinful people. We have to choose.

    How is Renee?

    Love to you all,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (Let's try this again... I had a hopelessly confusing typo in the first attempt, so I deleted the whole message)

    We have to choose? We have to choose what exactly?

    Are you so concerned for McCain/Palin's position on war, but unconcerned that Obama/Biden approve of the war on the unborn (who have no warrior to defend them)?

    Don't get me wrong, I think the Republican phonies say what they need to say to get the evangelical vote, but it is obvious now that though there is a Republican president, and a "conservative" Supreme Court, and when there was a Republican House, NOTHING changes and the unborn are still slaughtered by the thousands for committing the crime of being unwanted.

    Do you really think there is a substantial difference between the two parties? Either side says whatever it takes to get the vote. Either side will swear to uphold the same constitution. Either side will fail to deliver the moon and the stars that they are now promising.

    Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. Different pawns, same game.

    One may be the lesser of two evils, but from where I'm standing, I can't tell which one is which. And should it really matter to those of us who are obligated to do good, and vouch (vote) for what is good, and never for what is evil (be it greater or lesser)? And ought not confuse infallibility for avowed evil. The former may involve an honest attempt at doing good, the latter is wicked up front.

    Yes, we have to choose. But no, we do not need to choose to support either party in this political cesspool.


    Renee's good. She's supposed to go in @ 6:30 am tomorrow to begin her delivery.

    Welcome to the blogosphere.
